25.02.2025 - Apocalypse Announcement

I just realised how long it's been since my last post in this little updates section, so I thought I'd let you know the status of Mobius at this time:

I'd recently completed the Egg Fleet Expansion Legion Fleet (click here to check that out) and I've also been preparing for my appearance at the wargames show Salute with the stand for my non-Sonic wargame Packing Heat - more on that at a later date - but that's why it's been a bit quiet on my front lately.

At the end of the day, there's really just one thing I want to say:

...and frankly, I think this bloody project will outlive me.  That's not to say 3.5 will never turn into 4 (and so on), but we're getting way ahead of ourselves!  For now, have a little peek at something I'm hard at work on:

Armoured Assault fans rejoice!  By popular demand, I'm now working on APOCALYPSE, the biggest ever expansion for Mobius 3.5.  I'll let my slides from the 2024 Anniversary Show (part of our Discord's annual traditions) explain further:

When Apocalypse releases, Armoured Assault will be removed from Mobius and all its future releases.  Armoured Assault Units will be in Apocalypse anyway, so it's not like you'll be losing anything.  Also, as you can probably guess, Apocalypse isn’t the only thing I’m working on for Mobius, but I don’t want to overpromise on things that aren’t quite finished yet...

The release date of Apocalypse is this Spring - temporarily pushed back due to aforementioned Packing Heat commitments - but I'm hoping both projects will be worth the wait!

See you soon!

Get Mobius 3.5

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